Behavioral Event Interviewing
The TransForm TANTRA Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) is our flagship program. TransForm TANTRA helps your organization to create a selection panel of trained and qualified people.
Make sure you SELECT the RIGHT TALENT in the RIGHT WAY with the TransForm TANTRA Behavioral Event Interviewing program!
The TransForm TANTRA BEI program is A MUST for all key people in Leadership, Talent Management, Recruitment, Hiring & Human Resources.
Leadership & Team Building Programs
At TransForm TANTRA we TUNE Teams! Like you tune a turbo engine or a fine musical instrument.
Let’s conduct that magical tuning act for your team too! It yields great results and is a lot of fun!
… All Hands on Deck!
Transform TANTRA Team Building & Leadership Programs.
Trigger the magic of MOTIVATION in your team.
Infuse the team with high energy espirit-de-corps.
FOCUS sharply on your targets.
To achieve your goals in style!
J.R.D. TATA on Leadership and Team Building
The lessons we MUST LEARN from J.R.D. TATA!
If there is one man in India from whom one can learn a thing or two about leadership and team building it has to be J.R.D. TATA.
Bharat Ratna J.R.D. TATA.
Communications is our FORTE!
TransForm TANTRA Communication Programs are custom designed. 100% practical and result oriented, our exciting programs are based on experiential learning, theatre and focus on hands-on learning by doing!
Communication Programs
Mastering words, images, sounds … At work. And in life! TransForm TANTRA specializes in conducting a variety of programs like Presentation Skills, Team Communications, Customer Service, Facing the Camera among others!
From Sales Executives to Relationship Managers to Global Project Teams – we custom design programs for organizations! The best part is you can actually SEE the results IMMEDIATELY!
Come! Let us design an innovative communication intervention for your team!
The TransForm TANTRA Scroll of Honor
Let’s work together! It would be wonderful to CUSTOM DESIGN a special program for your team!
And we would be privileged to feature you with some of our clients in the TransForm TANTRA SCROLL OF HONOR!

Do not hesitate! Write in! Right NOW! TransForm TANTRA shall get back to you within 24 hours. Usually much sooner! Please make sure you leave your number – so we can call you right back! And we shall keep the chai ready
– or black coffee if you insist! 🙂