TransForm TANTRA Communication Programs
Communication is our forte. From concept and ideation, from writing to actual realization of a program is our core strength at TransForm TANTRA! We enjoy designing programs that are meaningful, substantive and deliver well defined specific, learning results! Presenting THREE innovative OPEN programs by TransForm TANTRA!
Communication & Presentation Skills
From basic communication skills to advanced levels. Using the power of images, the written word, the spoken word & apply it today’s world of business. From straightforward Power Point presentations to designing & implementing a communication process for a vertical! We do it all in style! Write in NOW!
“Come on Dad!” Leadership Programs
Adventure based program for professionals. Unique TransForm TANTRA concept! Three days and nights with your child in the lap of nature! Gift your child the time of your life! And rediscover leadership with your child! Write in!
Poet’s Paradise Leadership Program
An innovative, intense four-day TransForm TANTRA leadership program where you rediscover yourself by yourself! Create this opportunity to reorient yourself and find new ways to LEAD at work and LEAD your life!
Rediscover your space and explore new directions! Like a white cloud in the blue sky! Fluid, open design to help you live and experience the depths of every moment! Click the refresh button of life! Write in!
The TransForm TANTRA Way to Work!
http://localhost/index.phpDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa.
How we do it
We make it a SIMPLE PROCESS …
One ...
We look at people as PEOPLE. Not just as HUMAN RESOURCES. We take a ‘PEOPLE BASED’ approach to work & life situations that simply works! Try it!
Two ...
We speak the language of PEOPLE. No fancy ANGREZI jargon! We tug at the heart and NOT just the head. That works best & works wonders!
And Three ...
At TransForm TANTRA, we create & design simple processes to INVOLVE people. Akin to any simple song or story! Discover how! Get involved now!
The TransForm TANTRA Scroll of Honor
Let’s work together! It would be wonderful to CUSTOM DESIGN a special program for your team!
And we would be privileged to feature you with some of our clients in the TransForm TANTRA SCROLL OF HONOR!

Do not hesitate! Write in! Right NOW! TransForm TANTRA shall get back to you within 24 hours. Usually much sooner! Please make sure you leave your number – so we can call you right back! And we shall keep the chai ready
– or black coffee if you insist! 🙂